At least 5.6% of the UK population needs you to have an online quote button.
3.8m people in the UK work shifts which may make it harder for them to access legal services if you are 'only' open between 9-5.
There is always vigorous debate about whether you should have a self-service quote button on your site. Most state that they want to speak to everyone, or, the button is too impersonal. We agree, BUT if you came home from work at 6 am would you stay up and wait for the solicitors to open or simply find one that gives instant access to fees?
We recommend every conveyancing firm provides access 24/7, the cost is negligible and can really help you win incremental business when you are closed. The simple quote platform can also be accessed by your introducers on valuations at any time of the day or at weekends a win, win for all parties.
It might be worth checking to see how many people access your site outside hours, the numbers may surprise you.