Business Development

Our research shows us that many firms fail to handle incoming conveyancing enquiries well and that firms are invariably poor at asking for the business during the first phone call and many fail to follow up at all.
Our Premium Report will not only highlight how your staff are engaging with new business, but it will also serve to benchmark your position both in terms of customer experience and financial standing amongst your competitors. In addition, it will show how your business is regarded in the eyes of your introducer marketplace and highlight the opportunities that may be available to pursue.
Our reports provide you with the basis for training and business development activities that we can help to deliver.
Business development does not have to mean increased volumes of work, it can be the pursuit of:
increased profit margins
better call handling
improved brand awareness
the ability to move away from 'low profit high volume' work
elevated staff welfare
more control of your own destiny
Helping you to improving interactions with clients and introducers is the cornerstone of our business. Your conveyancing department walks a tightrope and struggles to remain profitable as the legal landscape continues to evolve. You need to demonstrate your commitment to best practice as engaging with new clients can often be both the lifeblood and bane of your business.
Prospective clients are looking for a simple transparent estimate of costs showing all necessary disbursements. It should be delivered in a timely manner in a format they can understand. Satisfying this relatively simple criteria dramatically increases the chance of winning new business.
In summary our Reports will help you to:
Identify your training needs
Qualify and deliver new introducers
Understand how much financial headroom you have to increase your fees in comfort
Understand the size of opportunities that exists for your business
Win New Business with LegallyQuoting

We've taken the 'sale' out of winning new business
People needing a conveyancing service don't want to shop around, they want to engage with a business that values them. That value is invariably witnessed in the first few moments of contact with your business.
Historically, contact with your business meant someone making a call or sending an email enquiry, but all that has changed.
We're bringing new business engagement in to the 21st century and empowering firms to better control their own destinies.
Let's paint a picture
Imagine not losing track of any opportunities.
New business can come from a phone call, a walk-in, an estate agent, an IFA or a web enquiry. Traditionally it has been up to you, the provider of conveyancing services, to engage with every enquiry, but why should that be the case if it doesn't have to be?
Websites are an extension of your business and should be an engaging environment. We can enable your website to win new business 7 days a week. The choice is yours.
Do you have firms that introduce work to you?
Estate Agents and Financial Consultants are keen to ensure that their customers use their preferred conveyancers. If that is you, we can provide them with access to delivering your quotes either in person or via their website 24/7. You can enable them to do the follow-ups and convert the instructions, or you can have all opportunities fall in to your internal quote management system to be followed up. The choice is yours.
None of this can happen without a very smart system
In order to deliver an accurate breakdown of costs, the system that compiles the figures needs to be smart.
It needs to be able to automatically identify the lender panels you are on, tenure details including property height, lenders that require official searches and those that don't, environmental alerts, the number of clients to identify (including giftors and guarantors) as well as transaction values so that you can decline to quote based on a vast array of situations.
All too many solutions deliver 'quotes' and approximate values no matter what the situation.
We've got your back
We are here to support you with business development activities and to demonstrate quantifiable growth. All of the activities within the system can be interrogated so that you can see how your staff, your website and your introducers are all performing when it comes to winning new business.